Our Horses
Where do the horses come from?
Usually the horses in our program are donated by an individual who is no longer able to keep or care for their horse. You can meet them all below! If you’re interested in sponsoring a horse, please contact us at HeartlandHorsesFlorida@gmail.com. Horse sponsorship is $200 per month, per horse.

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Sponsorship Availability HERE

My name is:
My name is Buster Brown. My former occupation was working cattle, but I think I’m much more suited to taking good care of therapeutic riders. Of course, I’m very well trained so I’m responsive to more advanced riders. Because of this, I’m used in all kinds of lessons. Actually, what I really enjoy is trail rides! I love the open range and just relaxing on the trail!
I’m a good example of a true working Quarter Horse. My reflexes are quick, but I’m very sensible and don’t fly off the handle at any little thing. I am very dependable and I can carry adults all day. Man, this is a piece of cake compared with my old job at the ranch!
Mary Moll

My name is:
I’m Kipling, but they call me Kip for short. I am a Shire/Thoroughbred Cross and used to do lots of fox hunting. Foxhunting is very physically challenging and although I enjoyed it, I started to get some injuries, due to all the jumping (and carrying big riders). Because of this, my owners decided to find me a job that was a little more chill. I’m enjoying HHEAL and the slower pace very much!
My birthday is January 1, 2006. I’m a very large horse for the purposes of HHEAL, but they say that is a good thing, as my height will help people push their limits!
Lynsey Templeton and Scott Trepicone

My name is:
Hi! My name is Latte and I’m an expert at training beginners so that’s why I’m a perfect fit for HHEAL. I’ve done it all; walk/trot & cross rail divisions at hunter-jumper shows, trail riding, and classical as well as western dressage. I even had a short, but not very successful stint as a barrel racer, but that just proves how low-key I am; after all, who wants to get all excited and race around at full speed in small circles??
My last owner loved me so much but was ready to move up in her classical dressage work and I just wasn’t that interested. However, she wanted to make sure I could keep on doing what I do best; giving riders who are just starting out a great experience. I’m a registered American Quarter Horse and my birthday is October 2006 so I am only in mid-career and I’m really looking forward to making lots of great new riders!
Kent Miller

My name is:
My name is Lucky and I’m a quarter horse. I was only five years old when I came here. It is very unusual to start out as a therapy horse so young, but I’m such a happy, easy-going fellow that they realized I had found my perfect spot. Since I am one of the “young bucks” here in the barn, my responsibilities include carrying some of the heavier riders.
I have a great disposition and am very sensitive. I’m also a favorite of the independent riders because of my responsiveness.
Florence Hill

My name is:
Tilly is a 16 year old haflinger that came from Alabama, where she was used on trail rides for 14 years. She relocated to Sneads, FL then came to Heartland Horses in October 2021. Haflinger horses are relatively small and chestnut colored. They are known for their strength and build which offers versatility for accommodating different riders. Tilly has proven to be an outstanding addition to our barn and many fall in love with her immediately because she is friendly with a laid back temperament. Tilly’s laid back style sometimes requires riders to be a little more assertive when getting her to trot, but she loves being used in our therapy sessions and gets along with both beginners and advanced riders in our program.